Q: Je veux sortir de mon appartement, que dois-je faire?
R: En Ontario, votre avis écrit doit être envoyé 60 jours avant la date prévue de votre déménagement. Cela tombera toujours le premier du mois. Tout écart ou écart par rapport à cela devrait être adressé à l'administrateur de location approprié.
Q: J'ai un problème de maintenance avec mon appareil, qui dois-je contacter?
R: Pour toutes les demandes de maintenance, veuillez soumettre une demande de maintenance. Vous pouvez également contacter votre gestionnaire immobilier par téléphone ou par courrier électronique!
Q: I'm interested in knowing more about your available apartments for rent. Where would I find more information about them?
A: A list of our current available apartments is available here, where you can search by area and price range. If you would like more information or to book a viewing of a particular building, please feel free contact the Customer Care Coordinator listed on the building search page.
Q: What information do I need for an application to lease a unit?
A: In order to apply for a unit, you will need to provide the following to your Customer Care Coordinator:
Q: What methods of payment do you accept for rental payments?
A: Your rent is due on the first (1st) of the month, every month of your tenancy. The best method of payment is to provide a void cheque or Pre-Authorized Debit form (obtained at your bank), and we will automatically debit your account on the first banking day of each month. Alternatively, we accept debit, cheques, postdated cheques, money orders, and certified cheques at all of our area site offices. Please ensure that the address, including building and unit number are included on any form of payment. We can only accept rental payments from those whose names are on the lease.
Q: Do you issue rental receipts for tax purposes?
A: Definitely! Call your area site office, and they will arrange to have them sent to you.